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Title Test Details Pattern Title
This pattern allows standard e-mail addresses (e.g. [email protected]), sub domains (e.g. [email protected]), the new two- and four-letter domains (e.g. [email protected] and [email protected]) and country codes (e.g. [email protected]). Also, this patter follows the Network Solutions standard length of 67 characters for top-level domains. The reason I allow numbers to be entered in the domain suffix is for future planning. If you do not want numbers to be able to be added as a domain suffix (e.g. [email protected]), simply delete the last two occurrences of "\d".
Author Rating: Not yet rated. Laurence O'Donnell
Title Test Details Pattern Title
Matches e-mail addresses, including some of the newer top-level-domain extensions, such as info, museum, name, etc. Also allows for emails tied directly to IP addresses.
Non-Matches | [email protected] | [email protected]
Author Rating: The rating for this expression. David Huyck
Title Test Details Pattern Title
Matches 99.99% of e-mail addresses (excludes IP e-mails, which are rarely used). The {2,7} at the end leaves space for top level domains as short as .ca but leaves room for new ones like .museum, etc. The ?: notation is a perl non-capturing notation, and can be removed safely for non-perl-compatible languages. See also email.
Author Rating: The rating for this expression. J. Washam
Title Test Details Pattern Title
This is my all-time favourite e-mail validator. I've used it for years and it's never failed me :-)
Author Rating: The rating for this expression. Darren Neimke
Title Test Details Pattern Title
^[^#]([^ ]+ ){6}[^ ]+$
We've come across the situation where we had to extract the IIS-Log entries without the header information. The data is far more complex than the sample given. Explanation: ^[^#] = lines not beginnin with # ([^ ]+ ){6} = 6 times no space until one space [^ ]+ = no spaces allowed... $ = ...until end of line For further explanation don't hesitate to write E-Mail.
1111 2222 33 44444 55 6 7777
#IIS Logfile header
Author Rating: Not yet rated. Volker Roth
Title Test Details Pattern Title
(?<email>(?![ ])(\w|[.])*@(\w|[.])*)
E-mail addresses matcher
Author Rating: Not yet rated. Manpreet Grewal
Title Test Details E-Mail Address by RFC2822 and RFC1035
This will match any valid RFC2822 e-mail address typed into web forms. If does not support comments, display name, or line folding. It does support quoted-strings in the local-part and domains by the RFC 1035 and proper ip addresses. It does relax the RFC1035 rule of not allowing numbers as the first character of a domain name (since they do exist in real life)
[email protected]|six."Hello\ There"|[email protected]|Most any valid e-mail
Don't know any
Author Rating: The rating for this expression. Matthew
Title Test Details Ultimate email, e-mail
Matches any valid e-mail... Kind of large, but worth it to those who really, e-mail, e mail
Any Valid E-Mail
Any Non-Valid E-Mail
Author Rating: The rating for this expression. James DeLong
Title Test Details Email regexp for ereg()
Checks whether email in the string that must be an E-mail address
Author Rating: Not yet rated. Axel Foly
Title Test Details E-Mail Validator
This can be used to test, the entered email address is valid or not
Author Rating: The rating for this expression. Murugan
Title Test Details E-Mail Date and Time
Extracts Day, Monthname, Year, Hour and Minute into 5 Groups. This Regex is useful for E-Mail Apps.
Fri, 7 Dec 2007 17:48:46 +0100 | 07 DEC 2007 17:35
07.12.2007 | AAA bb CCCC DDDDD 85:88
Author Rating: Not yet rated. NoBug
Title Test Details Multiple e-Mail Validator
This Expression will help you in Validating Multiple e-Mail IDs in a single line seperated by ";"
Author Rating: The rating for this expression. Jaimohan
Title Test Details Simple E-mail Regex
Matches simple e-mail addresses such as [email protected], [email protected], but does not place any restrictions on TLDs other than they must be lower case and alphabetic. a-z, A-Z, 0-9, ., _, and - are all allowed on the left side of @.
Author Rating: The rating for this expression. Kevin Herrera
Title Test Details WOW Gold
WOW Gold
Description is the professional website for <a href=""><strong>Wow power leveling</strong></a>. We have been in wow power leveling service for over 3 years and made so many customers be our friends. Professional wow powerleveling, fast, cheap and secure service. We power level your character according to your special requirements with no extra charges or hidden fees. Help you get your favor is our goal. And we are so happy that customers trust us because we upgrade your toons by experience levelers only. Enjoy World of Warcraft, Enjoy our service of World of Warcraft power leveling. Easy If you want to be the most powerful in game, you should have the enough <a href=""><strong>WOW Gold </strong></a>then you can buy the best weapons, equipment, etc. But Farming WOW Gold is very boring and waste a lot of time. Now, you can Buy WOW Gold from us, just one minute, you will be rich in WOW. Fast If you have bought gold from others before, you may know that the deliver time of WOW Gold is too long. But now you are visiting, we have own farmers, and we are not middleman, we can give you the gold as soon as possible, face to face or mail, choose you like. Reliable We farm the WOW Gold by manual, no bots, no cheats, no hacks. We have the 24*7*365 Online Support. You can contact us anytime via Live Chat, E-mail, IM and Telephone. When ordering for a wow power leveling service, please bear in mind that... - Your account will be safe with us. - Your account is fully secure. - We will not take any of your equipment or expend any of your gold. - While leveling your character, our master players will not talk to anyone else. - Our goal is to start all customer orders within 1 hour. In fact, most customer orders was started within 1-2 hours.
WOW Gold
WOW Gold
Author Rating: The rating for this expression. liu marry
Title Test Details wow gold
wow gold
Description is the professional website for <a href=""><strong>Wow power leveling</strong></a>. We have been in wow power leveling service for over 3 years and made so many customers be our friends. Professional wow powerleveling, fast, cheap and secure service. We power level your character according to your special requirements with no extra charges or hidden fees. Help you get your favor is our goal. And we are so happy that customers trust us because we upgrade your toons by experience levelers only. Enjoy World of Warcraft, Enjoy our service of World of Warcraft power leveling. Easy If you want to be the most powerful in game, you should have the enough <a href=""><strong>WOW Gold </strong></a>then you can buy the best weapons, equipment, etc. But Farming WOW Gold is very boring and waste a lot of time. Now, you can Buy WOW Gold from us, just one minute, you will be rich in WOW. Fast If you have bought gold from others before, you may know that the deliver time of WOW Gold is too long. But now you are visiting, we have own farmers, and we are not middleman, we can give you the gold as soon as possible, face to face or mail, choose you like. Reliable We farm the WOW Gold by manual, no bots, no cheats, no hacks. We have the 24*7*365 Online Support. You can contact us anytime via Live Chat, E-mail, IM and Telephone. When ordering for a wow power leveling service, please bear in mind that... - Your account will be safe with us. - Your account is fully secure. - We will not take any of your equipment or expend any of your gold. - While leveling your character, our master players will not talk to anyone else. - Our goal is to start all customer orders within 1 hour. In fact, most customer orders was started within 1-2 hours.
wow gold
wow gold
Author Rating: The rating for this expression. liu marry
Title Test Details Buy WoW Gold
Buy WoW Gold
Description is the professional website for <a href=""><strong>Wow power leveling</strong></a>. We have been in wow power leveling service for over 3 years and made so many customers be our friends. Professional wow powerleveling, fast, cheap and secure service. We power level your character according to your special requirements with no extra charges or hidden fees. Help you get your favor is our goal. And we are so happy that customers trust us because we upgrade your toons by experience levelers only. Enjoy World of Warcraft, Enjoy our service of World of Warcraft power leveling. Easy If you want to be the most powerful in game, you should have the enough <a href=""><strong>WOW Gold </strong></a>then you can buy the best weapons, equipment, etc. But Farming WOW Gold is very boring and waste a lot of time. Now, you can Buy WOW Gold from us, just one minute, you will be rich in WOW. Fast If you have bought gold from others before, you may know that the deliver time of WOW Gold is too long. But now you are visiting, we have own farmers, and we are not middleman, we can give you the gold as soon as possible, face to face or mail, choose you like. Reliable We farm the WOW Gold by manual, no bots, no cheats, no hacks. We have the 24*7*365 Online Support. You can contact us anytime via Live Chat, E-mail, IM and Telephone. When ordering for a wow power leveling service, please bear in mind that... - Your account will be safe with us. - Your account is fully secure. - We will not take any of your equipment or expend any of your gold. - While leveling your character, our master players will not talk to anyone else. - Our goal is to start all customer orders within 1 hour. In fact, most customer orders was started within 1-2 hours.
Matches is the professional website for <a
Non-Matches is the professional website for <a
Author Rating: The rating for this expression. liu marry
Title Test Details E-mail validation
This will validate most legal e-mail adresses with the correct syntax.
[email protected] | name& | blahblah@website
Author Rating: Not yet rated. Viktor Nagy
Title Test Details E-mail address
I think this is a very good e-mail validation match expression PS: you have got to try RegexBuddy it's a very cool tool that helps realy
mailto:[email protected] | [email protected] | user%[email protected] | admin@localhost
@ | | user%[email protected]/test
Author Rating: Not yet rated. ASM™
Title Test Details E-Mail Pattern
^ *(([\.\-\+\w]{2,}[a-z0-9])@([\.\-\w]+[a-z0-9])\.([a-z]{2,3})) *(; *(([\.\-\+\w]{2,}[a-z0-9])@([\.\-\w]+[a-z0-9])\.([a-z]{2,3})) *)* *$
This Expression Validates a string of Email Adresses which are sepereated with one of these[,.] and can have several white spaces between the delimeters. everything can be read out of groups ^ *(?<FirstEmail>(?<Firstusername>[\.\-\+\w]{2,}[a-z0-9])@(?<FirstProvider>[\.\-\w]+[a-z0-9])\.(?<Firstnamespace>[a-z]{2,3})) *(; *(?<EmailList>(?<UsernameList>[\.\-\+\w]{2,}[a-z0-9])@(?<ProviderList>[\.\-\w]+[a-z0-9])\.(?<namespaceList>[a-z]{2,3})) *)* *$ Must cointain at least 3 char before@, 2char after @ and 2-3 char(a-z) as CountryID. If you don't want to validate and 'just' look for Valid E-mail addresses simply remove the first "^" and the last "$", or remove the optional part after first "{2,3})) *"
Author Rating: Not yet rated. Rafael Timmerberg
Title Test Details E-mail validation
Email validation intended for javascript: use of lookahead ('.' not followed by '@') instead of lookbehind ('@' not preceded by '.'). It doesn't allow ip addresses.
[email protected], ?_9+3=12!/[email protected], çèré&pâtükõ
Author Rating: Not yet rated. Christof Verhoeven
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