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Regular Expression Details

Title Test Find Executive Moves
\b ?(a|A)ppoint(s|ing|ment(s)?|ed)?| ?(J|j)oin(s|ed|ing)| ?(R)?recruit(s|ed|ing(s)?)?| (H|h)(is|er)(on)? dut(y|ies)?| ?(R)?replace(s|d|ment)?| (H)?hire(s|d)?| ?(P|p)romot(ed|es|e|ing)?| ?(D|d)esignate(s|d)| (N)?names(d)?| (his|her)? (P|p)osition(ed|s)?| re(-)?join(ed|s)|(M|m)anagement Changes|(E|e)xecutive (C|c)hanges| reassumes position| has appointed| appointment of| was promoted to| has announced changes to| will be headed| will succeed| has succeeded| to name| has named| was promoted to| has hired| bec(a|o)me(s)?| (to|will) become| reassumes position| has been elevated| assumes the additional (role|responsibilit(ies|y))| has been elected| transferred| has been given the additional| in a short while| stepp(ed|ing) down| left the company| (has)? moved| (has)? retired| (has|he|she)? resign(s|ing|ed)| (D|d)eceased| ?(T|t)erminat(ed|s|ing)| ?(F|f)ire(s|d|ing)| left abruptly| stopped working| indict(ed|s)| in a short while| (has)? notified| will leave| left the| agreed to leave| (has been|has)? elected| resignation(s)?
This regex is really helpful if you are trying to find out executive moves. For instance you have 100 docs with company details but you need to find out the newly joined executives and resigned executives, you can do it with this.
resigns, joins, joined, recruited, appointed etc..
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