Title |
Pattern Title
Expression |
<a\s*href=(.*?)[\s|>] |
Description |
Retrieves all anchor links in a html document, useful for spidering. You will need to do a replace of " and ' after the regular expression, as the expression gets all links. As far as I know there is no way, even with \1 groupings, of getting a condition on whether the link contains a ",' or nothing at all (" and ' is easy enough, but what happens if the link starts with ", and has a javascript function call with a string in it). If there is, it's probably quicker to do it like this and do a string replace anyway. |
Matches |
<a href="http://www.blah.com"> | <a href='../blah.html' target="_top"&a |
Non-Matches |
<a href = http://www.idiothtmlprogrammers.com > |
Author |
chris s
Source |
Your Rating |
Title: Good But displayed wrong
Name: Regex Newbie
Date: 8/3/2008 3:13:29 PM
This regex is displayed wrong, it says < when really it should say < and > instead of > , " instead of "
When you correct it, it works just lovely on Visual Basic 6.
To give you: <a href="http://www.example.com">