Welcome to RegExLib.com, the Internet's first Regular Expression Library. Currently we
have indexed 4149 expressions from
2818 contributors around the world.
We hope you'll find this site useful and come back whenever you
need help writing an expression,
you're looking for an expression for a particular task, or are ready to
contribute new expressions you’ve just figured out. Thanks!
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![Online regex tester]()
Online regex tester
Regular Expression Editor
Java-applet that helps you test regular expressions flavor of the Sun Java standard API (java.util.regex)
- Full highlighting of regular expression syntax for an easy visual clue
(including bracket matching, error detecting)
- Tooltips will be shown when the mouse is over a part of the regex.
- Evaluates your regular expression while you are typing;
- 4 distinct match modes:
- Find a sequence of characters;
- Match a complete text;
- Split text (see java.lang.String.split(String regex));
- Replace;
- Support for pattern flags (e.g. Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE, Pattern.DOTALL, ...);
- Generation of java source string literals based on the regexp, (escape slash, e.g. "\(x\)" becomes "\\(x\\)")
- Synchronized selection of regular expression and text: Just select part of the regexp to see which part of the text is matched by this part.