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Title Test Details Pattern Title
^(?!000)([0-6]\d{2}|7([0-6]\d|7[012])) ([ -])? (?!00)\d\d([ -|])? (?!0000)\d{4}$
U.S. social security numbers (SSN), within the range of numbers that have been currently allocated. Matches the pattern AAA-GG-SSSS, AAA GG SSSS, AAA-GG SSSS, AAA GG-SSSS, AAAGGSSSS, AAA-GGSSSS, AAAGG-SSSS, AAAGG SSSS or AAA GGSSSS. All zero in any one field is not allowed. ** Additionally, spaces and/or dashes and/or nothing are allowed. In Michael Ash's example 123-45 6789 and 123456789 would fail there was a '\3' after the second octet of numbers that seemed to confuse the regex. now any combination of spaces, dashes, or nothing will work between the SSN octets. thanks Michael for the regex!
145470191 | 145 47 0191 | 145-47 0191
000470191 | 145-00-0191 | 145.47.0191
Author Rating: The rating for this expression. Joe Johnston
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